اسان توهان کي انتهائي راندين ۾ وڌيڪ مستحڪم ۽ آرامده بڻائڻ لاءِ مختلف پيشه ورانه-گريڊ راندين ۽ ٻاهرين پروڊڪٽس فراهم ڪندا آهيون!

بابت رابطو |

USBRechargeableRearBikeTailLight,UltraBright,RedTaillights,-shuangye آئوٽ ڊور پروڊڪٽس

سائيڪل جي روشني/

USB Rechargeable Rear Bike Tail Light, Ultra Bright, Red Taillights,

Rear Bike Tail Light USB Rechargeable Red Ultra Bright Taillights Fit on Any Bike/Helmet Easy to Install for Cycling Safety 4 lighting modes - full brightness/chase mode/quick chase mode/flashlight mode. Simple control button conveniently located on top of the light for easy access. Click the button to change light modes and cycle through the light modes to OFF. Smart charging ensures longer battery life - Fully charged and automatic cut-off system. Package Included: Set A: 1 X Tail Lights (Red) 1 X USB Cables 1 X Silicone Mounting Straps 1 X Storage Boxes 1 Mounting Straps 1 X Storage Boxes 1 X Instruction Manual Set C: 2

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Rear Bike Tail Light USB Rechargeable Red Ultra Bright Taillights Fit on Any Bike/Helmet Easy to Install for Cycling Safety

4 lighting modesfull brightness/chase mode/quick chase mode/flashlight mode.
Simple control button conveniently located on top of the light for easy access.
Click the button to change light modes and cycle through the light modes to OFF.
Smart charging ensures longer battery lifeFully charged and automatic cut-off system. Package

Set A:
1 X Tail Lights (Red)
1 X USB Cables 1 X
Silicone Mounting Straps 1 X
Storage Boxes 1 Mounting Straps 1 X Storage Boxes 1 X Instruction Manual Set C: 2

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