Bidh sinn a’ toirt seachad diofar spòrs aig ìre proifeasanta agus toraidhean a-muigh gus do dhèanamh nas seasmhaiche agus nas comhfhurtail ann an spòrs fìor!

Mu dheidhinn Cuir fios |



Tent—4-Person Lighted Camping Tent

About this item QUICK PITCH: Sets up in under 5 minutes thanks to pre-attached poles DARK ROOM TECHNOLOGY: Blocks 90% of sunlight so you can sleep in past sunrise; reduces heat (vs. a comparable Coleman tent) for a more comfortable rest anytime of day MORE HEADROOM: 20% more headroom than traditional Coleman dome tents thanks to nearly vertical walls WEATHER PROTECTION: WeatherTec system's tub-like floor, patented welded corners, and inverted seams help keep water out; strong frame withstands up to 35 mph winds WIDER DOOR: Makes it easier to move air beds, sleeping bags, and other gear in and out of the tent [contact-form-7 id="641ef20" title="Cuir fios thugainn"]

  • Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh
  • Rannsachadh

Mu dheidhinn a 'phìos seo
QUICK PITCH: Sets up in under 5 minutes thanks to pre-attached poles
DARK ROOM TECHNOLOGY: Blocks 90% of sunlight so you can sleep in past sunrise; reduces heat (vs. a comparable Coleman tent) for a more comfortable rest anytime of day
MORE HEADROOM: 20% more headroom than traditional Coleman dome tents thanks to nearly vertical walls
WEATHER PROTECTION: WeatherTec system’s tub-like floor, patented welded corners, and inverted seams help keep water out; strong frame withstands up to 35 mph winds
WIDER DOOR: Makes it easier to move air beds, sleeping bags, and other gear in and out of the tent


    All-mhalairt / mòr-reicOEM/ODMNeach-cuairteachaidhCustom / Mion-reicE-malairt

    Feuch an dearbhaich thu gu bheil thu daonna le bhith a’ taghadh an Plèana.


      Feuch an dearbhaich thu gu bheil thu daonna le bhith a’ taghadh an Taigh.

      Roimhe seo:

      Air adhart:

      Fàg Freagairt

      Fàg teachdaireachd

        Feuch an dearbhaich thu gu bheil thu daonna le bhith a’ taghadh an Càr.