Bidh sinn a’ toirt seachad diofar spòrs aig ìre proifeasanta agus toraidhean a-muigh gus do dhèanamh nas seasmhaiche agus nas comhfhurtail ann an spòrs fìor!

Mu dheidhinn Cuir fios |



Clogaid Rothaireachd Smart airson Inbhich le clogaidean baidhsagal solais cùil LED

SM (51cm-55cm)

MD (55cm-59cm)

LG (59cm-63cm)

XL (63cm-67cm)

  • Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh
  • Rannsachadh


MIPS technology helps reduce rotational forces on the brain in the event of a fall or collision
Adjustable ventilation system allows you to customize airflow
Removable, washable liner for easy cleaning
Audio-compatible ear pad system for music and phone calls on the mountain
Sleek, low-profile design for a stylish and functional look
Adjustable fit with a BOA® FS360 fit system
Certified for both skiing and snowboarding
Dual regulator climate control offers easy, one-handed front and rear vent adjustment
21 vents
Removable Snap fit SL2 ear pads add warmth and are audio-chip compatible
XT2 antimicrobial lining offers sweat-activated odor control
Aleck audio systems compatible
Available in multiple sizes and colors




    Feuch an dearbhaich thu gu bheil thu daonna le bhith a’ taghadh an Càr.

    Air adhart:

    Fàg Freagairt

    Fàg teachdaireachd

      Feuch an dearbhaich thu gu bheil thu daonna le bhith a’ taghadh an iuchair.