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Handlebar Tungtung Plugs Sapédah Multi-alat ngalereskeun Alat Set, Ngawengku Ranté Alat Pocket Alat Kit pikeun Jalan / Gunung Bikes

Manufacturer ‎VK-KC10-CBRUS
Item Beurat ‎3.4 ounces
Package Dimensions ‎5.07 x 2.73 x 1.17 inci
Country of Origin ‎China
Ukuran ‎standard
Bahan ‎Aluminum
Included Components ‎a pair of handlebar end plugs(chain breaker+Torx T25+Hex 3/4/5mm Allen Wrench)
Batteries Required ‎No
Warranty Description ‎1 YEAR

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  • 【Bike Multi-tools】The bike bar end plugs Integrate chain breaker and Allen wrenches sets. One side has a chain breaker compatible with 9 through 12-speed chains. Another is torx T25 and hex wrench 3/4/5mm, which includes the chain tool driver-hex wrench 4mm.
  • 【Hidden Type Bar End Tool】Nothing could be nice than the bicycle tools inserted into a bike but not taking it extra. The daily bike repair kit is inside the handlebar end plug. As part accessories of the bike, you do not have to worry about forgetting to take repair tools when you face cycling issues. Meanwhile, you could save the space of a bike bag that puts the tools originally.
  • 【Premium Materials】It takes precision machining technology and 6061-T6 aluminum, which makes the plugs durable and resistant to wear and tear. Meanwhile, it is only 2.75OZ, compact and convenient.
  • 【Suitable For Road/Mountain Bike 】The handlebar plugs with high compatibility. It is suitable for city bikes and mtb bikes handlebars, Compatible with handlebars measuring 16 mm to 21.5 mm inner diameter.
  • 【Quickly Installation And Disassembly】 Bike handlebar grip plugs are just put into the handlebar. And when you use the Allen wrenches sets, take the plugs off and simply assemble the drill bit. The chain breaker is similar. ROCKBROS is committed to providing our customers with high-quality products, And we are dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction. This product is guaranteed for 1 year from the date of purchase.

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