Бид таныг экстрим спортод илүү тогтвортой, тохь тухтай болгохын тулд төрөл бүрийн мэргэжлийн зэрэглэлийн спортын болон гадаа бүтээгдэхүүнээр хангадаг!

тухай Холбоо барих |


Майхан ба RV Camping/Шарсан мах/

гадаа хоол хийх зориулалттай эвхэгддэг кемпийн мах шарах

Item No. SY-X6-002
Item Name Medium size Suitcase BBQ grill
Body Material Color powder steel or SS410
Mesh Material Chromed steel
Open Size(mm)380*275*256
Close Size(mm)380*95*260
Mesh Size(mm)352*230
Body Thickness(mm)0.6
Product N/G.W(kg) 3/3.2

  • Бүтээгдэхүүний дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл
  • Лавлагаа

Collapsible Camping Grill for Outdoor Cooking

Are you tired of carrying around a bulky grill on your camping trips? Цааш хайх хэрэггүй! Манай foldable camping grill is designed to provide you with a convenient and efficient cooking experience in the great outdoors. With its compact design and lightweight construction, this grill is ideal for camping, backpacking and other outdoor adventures.

Бүтээгдэхүүний тодорхойлолт.
Our collapsible camping grill is made of durable materials that can withstand the rigors of outdoor use. It has a sleek and compact design for easy transport and storage, and weighs only 15 фунт, making it easy to carry on long hikes. The grill can be used on a camping stove or fire pit and is easily adjustable to cook food at the perfect height.

The cooking surface of the grill is made of non-stick material for easy food release and cleaning. It also comes with a built-in thermometer that allows you to monitor the temperature to make sure your food is cooked just right. The grill is perfect for cooking a variety of dishes, including burgers, hot dogs, steaks and vegetables.

foldable camping grill


Compact and lightweight design for easy transportation and storage
Adjustable height for customized cooking
Non-stick cooking surface for easy food release and cleaning
Built-in thermometer for precise temperature control
Can be used on camping stoves or fire pits
Ideal for camping, backpacking and other outdoor adventures

Давуу тал.

Portable and lightweight design makes it easy to carry on long hikes
Compact design for easy storage and transportation
Non-stick cooking surface makes cleaning easy
Built-in thermometer ensures precise temperature control
Ideal for cooking a variety of dishes
Can be used on camping stoves or fire pits

Our collapsible camping grill is perfect for your outdoor adventures. With its compact design, lightweight construction, and durable materials, it’s perfect for cooking delicious meals on the go. Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your outdoor cooking experienceorder your collapsible camping grill now!

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Алдаа: Холбоо барих маягт олдсонгүй.


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