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Bike Helmet For Motorcycle

Paub meej

SYY- HC-58

Npe: Men Women Bike Helmet Waterproof Breathable With Integrally-molded Hemlets
Type: Intergrally-molded
xim: Dub, Red, White, Titanium, Gradient, Red, Green, Blue
Ntaub: Outside: PC
Inside: EPS, Nylon adjust belt
luaj li cas: About 26*21.5*15cm
Fit Head: S 55-58cmM 58-61cm
luj: About 260g, 278g

  • Paub meej
  • Nug

Product Features

1. Ultralight/Anti-Sweat/Shock
2. Resistance/ Ventilation, Use air cooling make the air free
3. Brethable, Adjustable size, Magnetic-snap, Easy to wear and take off

Measurement Method

Use a soft ruler to make a week around A and B. (Hair is also counted)
And then you can purchase the helmet according to your needs.

bike helmet


    Yus tus kheejlag luamdistributor

    Thov qhia koj yog tib neeg xaiv qhov uas xaiv tsheb loj.



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    Cia li tawm lus

      Thov qhia koj yog tib neeg xaiv qhov uas xaiv Khob.