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Bike Helmet For Motorcycle

Detail Produk

SY- HC-58

Nama: Men Women Bike Helmet Waterproof Breathable With Integrally-molded Hemlets
Type: Intergrally-molded
Warna: Black, Red, White, Titanium, Gradient, Red, Green, Blue
Material: Outside: PC
Inside: EPS, Nylon adjust belt
Size: About 26*21.5*15cm
Fit Head: S 55-58cmM 58-61cm
Weight: About 260g, 278g

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Product Features

1. Ultralight/Anti-Sweat/Shock
2. Resistance/ Ventilation, Use air cooling make the air free
3. Brethable, Adjustable size, Magnetic-snap, Easy to wear and take off

Measurement Method

Use a soft ruler to make a week around A and B. (Hair is also counted)
And then you can purchase the helmet according to your needs.

bike helmet



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