Aħna nipprovdu diversi sports ta 'grad professjonali u prodotti ta' barra biex tagħmlek aktar stabbli u komdu fl-isports estremi!

Dwar Kuntatt |


Dawl tar-Roti/

Dawl tar-Roti, Dawl tad-denb tar-roti USB Rechargeable Aċċessorji LED ta 'wara

Product Description


Batterija: 250mAh lithium battery
Charging: USB charging
Mode: five-speed mode
Lamp beads: highlight lamp beads
Daqs: about 30*34*34mm

  • Dettalji tal-Prodott
  • Inkjesta
  • ❤ You brightness to make everything in front of you illuminated and clear, protecting you from darkness and unknown, ensuring the safety of you and your family.
  • ➤Easy to install: Put the taillight bracket on the seat cushion track, tighten the bracket with the strap, cut off the excess part of the strap, and then rotate the taillight clockwise to install the taillight on the bracket.
  • ➤100% brand new and high quality
  • ➤Waterproof and rechargeable: The waterproof bicycle taillight prevents water from splashing from any angle. The built-in 250mAh polymer lithium battery comes with a USB cable and can be charged from your computer, wall charger, power bank or any other device with a USB port.
  • ➤The bicycle taillight will automatically turn on at low brightness and turn off at high brightness. It will also be turned on when braking, and will automatically switch to the brake light mode when decelerating.


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